
We’ve put countless hours into producing a high quality, meticulously engineered game. But sometimes the Tower’s minions can get up to some mischief. This page will help you identify and resolve any issues you might have with the game, Tower, or app. Your satisfaction is always our top priority.

Problem connecting to the Tower?

If you have a problem connecting the Tower with the app, make sure:

  1. The Tower has fresh batteries
  2. Bluetooth is enabled on your device running the app
  3. Location data is enabled on the device and that the app has express permission to use it
  4. Disconnect any other Bluetooth devices from your device
  5. Then, do a full restart of your device and Tower, connecting only through the app (not directly through your device)

This process should solve 95% of all connection issues.

If you need to change the batteries mid-game, use the steps outlined on the Tower page.

If the Tower is physically damaged, you can request a replacement Tower below.

Problem with the App?

Download the App

If you have a problem with the app, make sure your device meets minimum specifications:

Android Minimum Specifications

  • Bluetooth LE (4.0) compatible
  • OS: Android 5.1 (Lollipop)
  • CPU: ARMv7 with Neon Support (32-bit) or ARM64
  • Graphics: OpenGL ES 3.0+, Vulkan
  • RAM: 1GB+
  • Device: Mobile Phone or Tablet
  • NOTE: Chromebooks do not run Android OS and Motorola E and G series phones do not meet the minimum device specifications and have known Bluetooth issues. You will need to run the app on a different device.

iOS Minimum Specifications

  • Bluetooth LE(4.0) compatible
  • OS: iOS 12.5.4
  • CPU: Apple A7 or higher
  • Graphics: Metal
  • RAM: 1GB+
  • Device: iPhone, iPad 

Still Have a Technical Problem?

Please follow the instructions on this page for more detailed troubleshooting and battery specifications.

If you are still having any issues with the Tower or app, report it using this form. (Please do not email our help mailbox separately.)

Need a Replacement Part?

List of all the components in the game, available on this spreadsheet.

If you have a missing or damaged game component, you can request a replacement using this form.

Shipping damage or lost/stolen?

Please reply to your tracking email and provide photos of the damaged outer box for damage claims. If you don’t have your tracking email, please contact QML using this form.

Contact Customer Service

If you need anything else, please contact our customer service department at

Box Re-Pack Diagram & Tech Sheet (pdf)

Compliance information is available here.

Return to Dark Tower is by Restoration Games.