Blue Ribbon Retailer Sign-Up

Our Blue Ribbon Retailer program is designed to support the local game stores that are wonderful partners and vital to the success of the board gaming hobby.

Blue Ribbon Retailer Terms & Conditions

We are committed to supporting local game stores. We believe they serve a vital role in growing and strengthening this wonderful hobby. We started the Blue Ribbon Retailer Program to foster stores like yours, by providing exciting resources and opportunities to draw in new customers and keep them coming back.

The Blue Ribbon Retailer Program is completely free and voluntary.

All you need to do is sign up. In order to qualify for the Blue Ribbon Retailer Program, you must have a physical storefront, open to the public, located in the United States or Canada.

The program is not open to game clubs or similar groups. We reserve the right to decline participation by any applicant for any reason at our sole discretion. You may sell online; however, it may not represent more than half of your annual revenue. If you are unsure if you qualify for the program, please contact us before signing up.

Your membership in the program is indefinite. It will terminate on the occurrence of any of the following:

  • At your request by emailing us at
  • If we decide to terminate the Blue Ribbon Retailer Program, which we may do at our sole discretion.
  • If you use any demo copies of games or promotional items received through the program in any way other than for their intended use, including resale.
  • If you no longer meet the criteria for participating in the program, such as closing your physical storefront.
  • At our sole discretion for any reason we deem necessary.

If your participation in the program ends, you immediately lose all of the benefits of the program. You may retain any items obtained as of the date of termination, but you agree not to sell such items without our express permission. Upon termination, we willautomaticallyremove you from the Blue Ribbon Retailer newsletter list, but we will not remove you from our regular newsletter list, which you can do by unsubscribing.
